The Minor Arcana Suit Breakdown: Exploring the Meaning and Symbolism of Each Suit
The Minor Arcana is a meaningful component of a Tarot deck, it consists of four distinct suits - Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit holds its own unique symbolism and significance, providing readers with a more profound understanding of the messages and energies at play and mundane aspects of life.
Within each suit, the cards are composed from the Ace to the 10, with the 4 court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King) providing additional layers of meaning and symbolism. The court cards represent different stages of maturity and decision-making, guiding you through the complexities of everyday life. These cards present nuanced insights into various aspects of life, from emotions and relationships to careers and finances.
The Wands suit represents creativity, passion, action, confidence, and growth. It relates to the fire element, which is wild and energetic, fire also symbolizes passion and sexuality. The suit of Wands energy is masculine.
Cups, associated with water, delve into emotions, healing, intuition, and relationships. The water element flows and can be gentle yet extremely powerful. They reveal the depths of our feelings and connections with others. This suit is associated with feminine energy.
Swords, linked to the air element, in ongoing movement, symbolize intellect, communication, and challenges. These cards often highlight mental struggles, decision-making, and the power of thought. It's a masculine energy.
Lastly, Pentacles, connected to the earth, is grounding, fertile, and palpable. Focus on material aspects of life, including work, money, and physical well-being. It's a feminine energy.
By interpreting the Minor Arcana alongside the Major Arcana cards, Tarot readers can provide wide and insightful readings, offering guidance and clarity to those pursuing answers. The symbolism and meanings within these cards make them a priceless tool for self-reflection and personal development.
Let's delve into the meaning and symbolism of each Minor Arcana suit:
Wands: Representing the element of fire, the Wands suit is associated with masculine energy, creativity, action, passion, and confidence. These cards represent growth through taking assertive steps and embracing your inner spark.

Cups: Embodying the element of water, the Cups suit is linked to emotion, intuition, self-expression, and relationships. These cards speak to the realms of the heart, inviting you to tap into your inner emotional landscape.

Swords: As the suit of air, Swords represent knowledge, logic, intellect, and mental or verbal activity. These cards often signify challenges, conflicts, and the need for clear communication and decisive thinking.

Pentacles: Grounded in the element of earth, the Pentacles suit deals with money, time, abundance, health, and material belongings. These cards signify the practical, tangible aspects of life, encouraging you to focus on your resources and physical well-being.

The Minor Arcana cards in the Tarot each represent distinct stages of personal development and qualities. As for the court cards, The Page symbolizes youthful naivety and inexperience, embodying a fresh perspective and untapped potential. The Knight, slightly older and more decisive, is characterized by impulsiveness and a readiness for action. The Queen, a nurturing yet confident figure, reflects maternal care combined with inner strength, while the King stands for authority and power, representing a commanding and influential presence.
By understanding the nuances of each Minor Arcana suit, you can unlock a deeper level of insight and wisdom in your Tarot readings, empowering you to navigate the ebbs and flows of your personal journey with greater clarity and confidence.
If you are new to the realm of tarot, take a look at the article: Tarot Cards Meaning: Major And Minor Arcana Explained and find out more about the mystical world of tarot. And if you always dreamt of learning tarot make sure to check Vanessa Somuayina's masterclass on How to Become a Great Tarot Reader, this course is designed for anyone desiring to learn tarot reading and expand their psychic intuition. These are some of the key points of this course:
- learn to read the Tarot quickly
- develop your intuition and psychic abilities
- learn how to monetize your newfound skills
- be part of a growing global community of students
- learn to build your audience from one of the most well-known tarot readers and psychic mentor in the world
This is the perfect course if you are looking to develop a tarot career and live the life of your dreams while assisting others! Stay tuned for more tarot insights.